Wellcome Leap's ΔTissue funding picked up by Israeli media (in Hebrew)
Grant awarded from Wellcome LEAP!
Grant awarded from the Israel Science Foundation (ISF)!
Assaf delivered a seminar at the WEHI and at the Technion
Assaf interviewed about using "deep fake" for cancer research
Our interpretable machine learning in melanoma was published!
Assaf delivered an invited talk at the Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for Microscopy
Collaborative study on the role of abscission in zebrafish embryogenesis published!
Our Perspective on data science in cell imaging is out!
Assaf was selected as an Early-Career Editor in the Molecular Biology of the Cell journal!
Second edition of the Data Science in Cell Imaging is starting!
Alon Shpigler and Lion Ben Nedava are joining the lab
Assaf delivered a talk on multicellular synchronization at the Cell Bio Virtual meeting
Assaf and Assaf presented at CytoData 2020!
New students are joining the lab!
Collective calcium synchronization preprint uploaded to biorxiv!
Assaf's interpretable ML for melanoma talk available online
Cell death spreading project highlighted by Israeli media (in Hebrew)
Collective cell death paper published!